Plant Start CSA

Plant Start CSA

Plant Start CSA

Order in winter, pick up in Spring, be ready for summer!

From the greenhouse to your garden ~

Plant Start CSAs are designed to help you get a head start on your garden planning without the task of starting seeds, ensure you have certain starts you’re looking for, and also support our small farm in the same way a regular CSA does. Community Supported Agriculture is all about the community, and based off of feedback from previous seasons, we think many folks in the community will enjoy and benefit from this new program.

So what is a Plant Start CSA?

Similar to regular vegetable share CSAs, you choose and purchase plant starts upfront and pick them up later in the Spring when they are grown and ready. I have curated a list of start kits that compliment each other. There are also two specialty start items: artichokes and asparagus. Single starts are also available in certain varieties. You may also choose to pay now and choose your starts later in person at the market, that is okay too!

We will have more varieties available at the market that are not listed here.
Pickups will be at the Marquette Market, Munising Market, and on the farm.
Please reach out if you have any questions or want to chat plant starts!

Vegetable Kits ($15 each kit)

  • Lunchbox Kit (sweet pepper, sweet peas, broccoli, green bush beans)

  • Root Cellar Kit (red onion, winter squash, storage cabbage, celeriac)

  • Salsa Kit (cherry tomato, jalapeno, cilantro, bunching onions)

  • Salad Kit (cucumber, bunching onions, lettuces, spinach)

  • Tomato Medley (two cherry tomato varieties, two heirloom varieties)

  • Greens Medley (lettuce, kale, chard, collards)

Single Starts ($4 per pot)

  • pickling cucumber • slicing cucumber

  • brussels sprouts • broccoli

  • heirloom dill •celery

  • celeriac • red bell pepper

  • napa cabbage • red cherry tomato

  • blue ballet winter squash • butternut squash

Specialty Starts ($5 each)

  • Asparagus • Artichoke

Plants will come in a 3-4in container. Some vegetables do not grow well in pots and prefer trays with cells (lettuces for example) and will include more than one plant. For vegetables like bunching onions and red onions, expect a cluster of starts, not just one single onion. All starts come in pots that are sized proportionately and will not need to be rushed into the ground (aka, unreliable UP Spring weather!)

Members who place orders for plant starts will be emailed later in the season with pickup date options and locations. Plant Start CSAs can make awesome gifts! You can also use the single starts as a gift card type option, and come to market able to pick out starts you’ve already purchased, but didn’t have to grow!